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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Porridge Yam

n to today's post. I cooked Porridge Yam on Wednesday, after reading a post by Audeo and I remembered I had not eaten it in a while! So off I went to the African store after work. All in all it was SO worth it! I loved it. I think I cooked it the Igbo/rivers way cos I noticed Yoruba people don't put leaves...anyways this is how we always cooked it around my parts!

This evening My friend Cindy came over to my house to hangout, it was so much fun and when we got hungry we had SHRIMP SALAD!!!! It was soooooooo GOOD!!!She made it, so all credit goes to her, if you need a recipe holla at me, and I gatchu as we go

You Can eat it like this with just Balsamic Vinaigrette or for a more unhealthy option..which we all opted for....


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